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Application Process


2025-2026 Visiting Student Elective Catalog
2025-2026 Visiting Student Calendar
Visiting Student Application Requirements
Visiting Student Eligibility Requirements

MSU-COM and CMU students should not submit applications on VSLO. Please see the MSU COM & CMU Students tab for more information.

Application Timeline

The timeline for the 2025-2026 VSLO season is below:

  • Our VSLO catalog will be open for applications earlier than anticipated this year. We will begin accepting applications on March 17th at 12 PM, but we will not begin reviewing applications until after April 18, 2025. You should expect to wait several weeks to hear back on the status of your application.

  • Applications will take some time to review, but we will begin notifying students of decisions by May 16, 2025.

    • Some departments take longer than others to process applications. You will be notified once a decision has been made.

We continue to accept applications throughout the academic year and notify students of decisions once they have been made.

Application Requirements

Applications must be submitted via the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) website

Please ensure that the email address listed in your AAMC VSLO account is a current and monitored email address.
  • JPG/PNG only. This photo will be used for your ID badge if one is required.
  • Include your last name at the start of the file name prior to uploading
  • Must show successful completion of all Core Clerkships (Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Surgery)
  • This will be uploaded by your home institution
  • MSU CHM Supplemental Application

    • Required for all applications.

    • A different supplemental application should be completed for each individual elective.

    • If you are submitting applications for multiple dates within the same elective, the same supplemental application may be used.

    • Include your last name at the start of the file name prior to uploading

Requirements Upon Acceptance

  • You will be required to pay the $150 non-refundable VSLO processing fee. Payment can be made through this secure site:

    • This fee covers two approved rotations with us, for a maximum of 8 weeks

    • This fee is only required if you have accepted an offer from us, do not submit payment until your rotation is confirmed

  • A clinical affiliation agreement must be in place between the Michigan State College of Human Medicine and your institution before your rotation start date.

    • Upon accepting a rotation with us, you must notify your home institution that an affiliation agreement is required. Copy MSU CHM Elective Coordinator Bryanna Powers ( in your email to your school and our institutions will verify if there is already an existing agreement and, if not, begin the process to establish one.

    • We make every effort to ensure an agreement is established, but it is ultimately your home institution's responsibility to ensure this is executed. Failure to finalize an agreement ahead of your rotation start date could result in cancellation of your rotation.

Application Processing

Our office first ensures that the Visiting Student Eligibility Requirements have been met for each student that submits an application.

Once eligibility is determined, applications are processed in the order in which they were received. Some electives are scheduled based solely on availability and some require departmental approval. In either case, you will be notified once a decision has been made regarding your application.

You will have 2 weeks to accept or decline through the VSLO website. If a decision is not made within that time frame, your offer will expire and your spot will no longer be held.

You will have 2 weeks from the date of acceptance to pay the non-refundable $150 VSLO processing fee through this link:

You will be offered a chance to join the waitlist if there is waitlist space available. You will need to email Bryanna Powers at to request to join the waitlist. Please be specific about what elective(s) and date(s) you would like to be waitlisted for.

Visiting Student Application FAQ

  • Why are dates showing as available on VSLO but my application was denied due to lack of space?

    • Our electives remain open after being filled to allow for a waitlist. It is not uncommon for spaces to open up again after being filled. Blocks are closed on VSLO when there is no reasonable possibility any new applicants could be scheduled.

  • Who should I contact about the status of my application?

    • If it has been more than 30 days since you submitted your application and there have been no updates, you can reach out to Bryanna Powers to inquire about the status of your application.

  • None of the dates on VSLO work for me, can I do an off-cycle rotation?

    • No. We do not offer off-cycle rotations. Please reach out to Bryanna Powers at to discuss what your options may be.

  • I want to submit an application for an elective with no available dates, what can I do?

    • Our VSLO catalog reflects the current availability for any given elective. If there are no dates you can apply to on VSLO, that means there is no availability.

  • How do I join the waitlist?

    • Email Bryanna Powers at to request to join the waitlist. Please be specific about what elective(s) and date(s) you would like to be waitlisted for.

  • I have accepted an offer but I want to be on the waitlist for dates that work better for me, what can I do?

    • We cannot hold space for you in two blocks at once. You will have to decide if you want to keep the block you are in now or join the waitlist for a different block.

  • Will I be updated about my waitlist status?

    • Our office cannot provide regular updates about your waitlist status. You should only expect to be contacted if a space has become available for you.

  • My school does not use VSLO, can I still apply for electives?

    • No. We can only accept applications for electives through the VSLO platform.

  • Is a Clinical Education Agreement required for rotations at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine?

    • Yes. If there is not an existing agreement between our institutions, one will be initiated upon acceptance of your offer. We will initiate this, but it is your institution’s responsibility to ensure the agreement is executed.

Need More Information?
If you still have questions, please reach out to our Elective Coordinator Bry Powers at