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Confirmed Rotations

We are excited to welcome you for your rotation in Lansing! 

About the Lansing CAD Office

Our office will help facilitate your onboarding and ensure a smooth start to your time here. We schedule students in multiple electives in the area and are not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of any one department.

We are the initial point of contact for scheduling, onboarding, and general questions, but if you have specific questions about the program itself or what the day-to-day of your rotation will look like, those are best directed to the department contact who will be listed in your welcome letter.

We are here to help so if any issues arise or if you are having trouble getting answers to your questions please reach out and we will do our best to assist.

For general & scheduling questions, please reach out to Bryanna Powers

For questions related to EMR access, please reach out to Heather Atkinson

About 6 weeks out from the start date of your rotation, you will receive a welcome letter from our office with more information and next steps for onboarding. It is critical that you review this information carefully as there are usually several action items that need to be completed a few weeks in advance. This letter will also contain information on housing resources, evaluations, and who to contact if you have questions.
If your rotation requires an ID badge, our office will have one printed and available for you to pick up. More information will be sent in your welcome letter.
Your rotation may require access to EPIC or Athena. The details and any required trainings will be outlined in your welcome letter.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure an evaluation is completed and returned to their school. Our office cannot assist with this as we often do not know who your evaluator should be. Please ensure that your school receives the correct contact information for your evaluator.

Confirmed Rotations FAQs

  • I haven’t received my rotation schedule, what should I do?

    • The distribution of rotation schedules varies by department. Some departments send schedules the week before (often the Thursday or Friday before) and some do not provide them in advance. Anything we know about when you should expect to receive your schedule and who it will come from is outlined in your welcome letter.

    • If it is midday the Friday before your rotation and you have not received a schedule and your welcome letter does not tell you where to report on your first day, please reach out to Bryanna Powers at for assistance.

  • I need to change/cancel my rotation.

    • Send an email to Bryanna Powers at If you are canceling your rotation, please also drop the elective on VSLO.

  • I have an anticipated absence during my rotation, who should I contact?

    • Please see the “absences” section in your welcome letter and also notify the department.

  • I have an unexpected absence during my rotation, who should I contact?

    • Notify the department as soon as possible, and then see the “absences” section of your student letter.

  • Are housing or food provided for visiting students?

    • No. Both housing and food are the student’s responsibility. A housing resource list will be sent with your welcome letter that outlines some options that have worked for other students.

  • Do I have to pay for parking?

    • Your badge will grant you access to the ramp at UMH-Sparrow Hospital, so you will not have to pay for parking there. Parking is not covered at other UMH-Sparrow ramps or on MSU’s campus. See your welcome letter for more specific parking information.

  • Do I need to return my ID badge after my rotation?

    • No, there is no need to return your badge. It is deactivated at the conclusion of your rotation.

  • I just completed EPIC training and I don’t have my credentials yet, what should I do?

    • Credentials are sent out once attendance at the training has been verified, usually around 4 PM on the day of the training, but sometimes the morning after.

  • I have used EPIC at a different hospital before, do I have to complete the training again?

    • Yes. UMH-Sparrow Hospital prefers that their training be completed before granting access to their EMR.

  • I have used EPIC at UMH-Sparrow Hospital before, do I have to complete the training again?

    • It depends. If it has been less than 90 days since you logged into EPIC at UMH-Sparrow Hospital, the training will not need to be completed again. If it has been more than 90 days, the training will need to be completed.

  • Can I access the EMR at home?

    • No. Medical students are not granted remote EMR access.

  • Who can I list as the contact for my evaluation?

    • Please reach out to the department you are rotating with to obtain this information.

  • Can you tell me the contact information for my evaluator?

    • Sometimes, but only if you know who your evaluator should be. It is usually best to reach out to the department for questions regarding evaluations.

Need More Information?
If you still have questions, please reach out to our Elective Coordinator Bry Powers at