Why are dates showing as available on VSLO but my application was denied due to lack of space?
Our electives remain open after being filled to allow for a waitlist. It is not uncommon for spaces to open up again after being filled. Blocks are closed on VSLO when there is no reasonable possibility any new applicants could be scheduled.
Who should I contact about the status of my application?
If it has been more than 30 days since you submitted your application and there have been no updates, you can reach out to Bryanna Powers smit1617@msu.edu to inquire about the status of your application.
None of the dates on VSLO work for me, can I do an off-cycle rotation?
No. We do not offer off-cycle rotations. Please reach out to Bryanna Powers at smit1617@msu.edu to discuss what your options may be.
I want to submit an application for an elective with no available dates, what can I do?
Our VSLO catalog reflects the current availability for any given elective. If there are no dates you can apply to on VSLO, that means there is no availability.
How do I join the waitlist?
Email Bryanna Powers at smit1617@msu.edu to request to join the waitlist. Please be specific about what elective(s) and date(s) you would like to be waitlisted for.
I have accepted an offer but I want to be on the waitlist for dates that work better for me, what can I do?
We cannot hold space for you in two blocks at once. You will have to decide if you want to keep the block you are in now or join the waitlist for a different block.
My school does not use VSLO, can I still apply for electives.
No. We can only accept applications for electives through the VSLO platform.
Is a Clinical Education Agreement required for rotations at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine?
Yes. If there is not an existing agreement between our institutions, one will be initiated upon acceptance of your offer. We will initiate this, but it is your institution’s responsibility to ensure the agreement is executed.
I haven’t received my rotation schedule, what should I do?
The distribution of rotation schedules varies by department. Some departments send schedules the week before (often the Thursday or Friday before) and some do not provide them in advance. Anything we know about when you should expect to receive your schedule and who it will come from is outlined in your welcome letter.
If it is midday the Friday before your rotation and you have not received a schedule and your welcome letter does not tell you where to report on your first day, please reach out to Bryanna Powers at smit1617@msu.edu for assistance.
I need to change/cancel my rotation.
Send an email to Bryanna Powers at smit1617@msu.edu If you are canceling your rotation, please also drop the elective on VSLO.
I have an anticipated absence during my rotation, who should I contact?
Please see the “absences” section in your welcome letter and also notify the department.
I have an unexpected absence during my rotation, who should I contact?
Notify the department as soon as possible, and then see the “absences” section of your student letter.
Are housing or food provided for visiting students?
No. Both housing and food are the student’s responsibility. A housing resource list will be sent with your welcome letter that outlines some options that have worked for other students.
Do I have to pay for parking?
Your badge will grant you access to the ramp at UMH-Sparrow Hospital, so you will not have to pay for parking there. Parking is not covered at other UMH-Sparrow ramps or on MSU’s campus. See your welcome letter for more specific parking information.
Do I need to return my ID badge after my rotation?
No, there is no need to return your badge. It is deactivated at the conclusion of your rotation.
I just completed EPIC training and I don’t have my credentials yet, what should I do?
Credentials are sent out once attendance at the training has been verified, usually around 4 PM on the day of the training, but sometimes the morning after.
I have used EPIC at a different hospital before, do I have to complete the training again?
Yes. UMH-Sparrow Hospital prefers that their training be completed before granting access to their EMR.
I have used EPIC at UMH-Sparrow Hospital before, do I have to complete the training again?
It depends. If it has been less than 90 days since you logged into EPIC at UMH-Sparrow Hospital, the training will not need to be completed again. If it has been more than 90 days, the training will need to be completed.
Can I access the EMR at home?
No. Medical students are not granted remote EMR access.
Who can I list as the contact for my evaluation?
Please reach out to the department you are rotating with to obtain this information.
Can you tell me the contact information for my evaluator?
Sometimes, but only if you know who your evaluator should be. It is usually best to reach out to the department for questions regarding evaluations.